
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Review #1: Redbridge Gluten-Free Sorghum Beer

For my first review, I decided to start with one of the most easily-found gluten-free beers: Redbridge.

Redbridge is made by Anheuser-Busch, the same company that makes Budweiser, Michelob, Shock Top, Busch, and other well-known brands. It is marketed as a "full-bodied lager" or as Beer Advocate says, an "American Amber/ Red Lager." I'm more inclined to call it a lager, because this beer would be pretty weak as an amber. Redbridge sits at 4% ABV.

I had avoided trying Redbridge again after a bad experience at a local burger joint. I ordered a Redbridge and I think it may have gone off. Maybe it spent too much time in a warm part of the kitchen. Maybe it spent too much time in the sunlight, or was just old. Either way, it was very bitter, almost metallic. I hated it. However, after hearing a gluten-free friend say it was her favorite, I thought it was worth another try.

I poured the bottle into this conical pint glass. It has a deep honey color with a big foamy white head that dissipated quickly after pouring. My first impression: "not bad." The beer has some fruity notes and a bit of a toasty flavor. I can definitely taste the sorghum in it, which for some people is off-putting. It's an acquired taste, I think. Redbridge is light on the palate--  moderately carbonated, but easy to drink, and refreshing.

The verdict: I liked this beer. It's nothing special. That is, it doesn't seem that different from most of Anheuser-Busch's offerings. However, it's an easily-found, moderately-priced gluten-free beer that is pretty tasty and definitely enjoyable.

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